Looking for same day flower bouquet delivery online? Order now from Nieldelia Florist in KL.
A New Day
RM144.00 -
Amaze Ferrero Hot Air Balloon Box
RM302.40 -
Amaze Soap Roses Box
RM194.40 -
Baby Baby
RM230.40 -
Baby Pink Soap Roses Bouquet
RM160.20 -
Baby Pink Soap Roses with Chocolate
RM232.20 -
Best Wishes Graduation Bouquet
RM194.40 -
RM128.00 -
Black and Gold Soap Roses Bouquet
RM212.40 -
Black Classic Galaxy Chocolate
RM198.00 -
Black Glow
RM140.40 -
Black Matte
Send flowers to KL with same day delivery. Send flowers and get the perfect bouquet for any occasion with a wide range of products, easy online order process.